legal services

1.1Performing tax affairs of taxpayers inside and outside the country, participating in tax disputes settlements boards and seeking foreign investment permit.d

2.2Registering any kind of foreign company (branch and agency) with foreign capital or enjoying motivating and foreign investments support law, registering changes in shares and shareholders contributions, partners and etc… , dissolution and liquidation.m

3.3Preparing foreign commercial contracts for distributing and selling agency (exclusive and non exclusive), investment of foreign companies, mutual sales, finance and licensing technology transfer and franchise and etc…m

4.4Registering and transferring trademark, patent, and other affairs related to industrial and intellectual ownership, claims of securities and bankruptcy claims.m

5.5Preparing all local contracts in conformity with Iran Law.m

6.6Empowerment in criminal claims.m

7.7Supervising on selling, purchasing and renting properties.m

8.8Receiving Iran residence pursuant to current rules and regulations of Iran.m